The Bible begins with three simple words: “In the beginning.” That’s where God belongs. In the beginning. What if we followed the lead of Page 1 in our Bibles and practiced putting God at the beginning of every aspect of our lives? At the beginning of…
Every day. This is the day that the LORD has made; how can I rejoice and be glad in it?
Every substantial decision. Whatever I do, in word or deed, how can it be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him?
Every undertaking. I am not my own; I was bought with a price, so how can this be done to the glory of God?
Every interaction. How would Jesus treat this person?
Every reaction. How would I like to be treated in this moment?
Every conversation. This person is worthy of dignity, attention, and love because they were created in God’s image.
Every motive. My primary audience is my Father in heaven. If no one ever knows about my service, it’s more than enough for my Father who sees in secret to know. His reward is infinitely better than any recognition I may or may not get from anyone else.
Every uncomfortable situation. I am a reflection of the light of the world. How can I unashamedly reflect his light in this situation so that others may see my good works and give glory to my Father who is in heaven?
Every dream. How does this fit into seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, trusting that all other needed things will be provided by him?
Every heartache. The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away; blessed be the name of the LORD who is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Though I do not understand, I trust that he is good and does good.
Every triumph. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
What if we surrendered every aspect of ourselves as willing clay in the hands of the all-knowing, infinite, perfectly righteous Creator of Genesis 1? In the beginning … of everything … God. Make that the theme of your day and when you lay your head on your pillow tonight, you won’t be sorry. Make that the theme of your week and you’ll make a difference in someone else’s life to the glory of your heavenly Father. Make that the theme of the rest of your time on earth and you’ll experience life the way it was meant to be.
The glory of God. That’s what this universe was created for, that’s what you were created for, from the beginning.