Links worth a look from around the web:
- Roger Shouse explores the balance between merely thinking about making a difference in someone’s life, and actually doing what needs to be done.
- “Few things sap more of our joy, are as emotionally demanding and mentally distracting, as relational conflict.” Jon Bloom offers some helpful thoughts on how to resolve most relational conflict.
- Andy Sochor takes a look at what the Bible says about being a productive Christian.
- “Jesus became.” Aaron Kemple uses that New Testament phrase as an encouragement to look in the mirror.
- Lore Ferguson Wilbert reflects on how singleness prepared her for barrenness.
- Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God (Keller, $1.99)
- Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (Turkle, $1.99)