At the beginning of this new work week, wisdom looks head. I am being “renewed in the spirit of my mind,” but how does that translate into everyday life? Practically speaking, how should the “new self” in Christ act, interact, and react today? What will “true righteousness and holiness” look like this week?
How could we improve on Ephesians 4:23-32?
- Put away falsehood
- Speak the truth with your neighbor
- Remember that we are members one of another
- Be angry and don’t sin
- Resolve now that you won’t let the sun go down on your anger
- Give no opportunity to the devil
- Let the thief no longer steal
- Labor, doing honest work with your own hands
- Be willing to share with anyone in need
- Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth
- Use your mouth to build people up
- Be wise enough to appreciate what is “fitting” in various occasions
- Function as a channel of grace
- Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit
- Live as someone who has been sealed for the day of redemption
- Put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice
- Be kind to everyone
- Fight to keep your heart tender
- As one who has been forgiven so much, stand ready to forgive others
Do you want to enjoy a God-shaped week? Be shaped by these God-breathed words.