You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

This is kind of a weird question, but how do you write a book? Do you have a method? Are there tricks/techniques/tips to staying on track?

Those questions landed in my Inbox a couple months ago. They still make me laugh, not because they’re “weird,” but because I’m still searching for answers. I’ve written three books and I’ve yet to discover the silver bullets. People continue to ask and I continue to answer, “I’m not sure.”

In response to the e-mail, I strongly recommended subscribing to Jeff Goins’ blog. Today, Jeff released an e-book — You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) — that will be my simple, go-to-answer when similar questions are asked.

The worlds of writing, publishing, platforms and social connections are changing in ways that were hard to even imagine just a few years ago. More people than ever are launching blogs, writing books and looking to have an impact with words. The world of communication is evolving before our eyes.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about starting a blog. Maybe you’ve dreamed for months about writing a book. Maybe you’ve been writing for years, but the joy you once felt has been replaced with daily slavery to the harsh taskmasters of Likes, Retweets and Google Analytics.

My recommendation? Before you make your first blog post or write your first book paragraph or give up on writing altogether, read You Are a Writer. By sharing his own story of self-doubt, sacrifice and success, Goins effectively reveals what it takes to stop writing for accolades and start writing for passion. The book is short enough to read in one sitting (77 pages), but is filled with powerful perspective worth revisiting again and again.

You Are a Writer has its own dedicated website and is also available via Amazon for $4.99.

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