A Public Discussion of Islam and Christianity is scheduled for April 15-16 on the campus of West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. The participants are:
- Sohail Chaudhry, an Imam of the Islamic Center of Morgantown
- Andrew Roberts, a minister of the gospel who labors with the Jackson Heights church of Christ in Columbia, TN
The scheduled topics are:
- April 15 (6-8 PM) – Two World Religions, Two Books (the Bible & the Qur’an)
- April 16 (6-8 PM) – The Christian View of Jesus & the Islamic View of Jesus
The discussion is free to attend, Q & A will follow the presentations, and spreading the word is encouraged. Click the graphic above for a larger (more print-friendly) view.
I highly recommend Andrew Roberts’ book Night and Day: A Comparative Study of Christianity and Islam. You can read more about it here.