What about women preachers? It’s a frequently asked question in our culture. As students of the Bible, it’s important for us to understand what the issues are, and what the issues are not.
What the Issues Are Not
- The talent, eloquence, capabilities, competency, or worth of men vs. women
- The spiritual maturity of men vs. women
- Misogyny
- Popular opinion
- Paul vs. Jesus
- Whether or not God has used women in extraordinary ways in the past
- Having “peace” when I “walk through open doors”
What the Issues Are
- My emotions are not the barometer by which God’s will is discerned
- Feelings are not the fountainhead of faith as God defines and describes it
- There are greater issues at stake than “cultural relevance”
- God, who is not the author of confusion, has spoken
- The unity of the Spirit is not only possible, it is expected
- God’s glory is the point of all service, and God is glorified when I serve him in the way he has prescribed
This sermon was delivered on February 22, 2015.
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