Do Things Well: The Pursuit of Excellence

Do Things Well: The Pursuit of Excellence (edited by David Banning and Warren Berkley)

Warren Berkley has co-edited a number of very valuable and sharply targeted resources in recent years.

His most recent co-edited project (with David Banning) was released just yesterday–Do Things Well: The Pursuit of Excellence. The 123-page book contains 13 lessons “to help God’s people give their best.”

  1. The Pursuit of Excellence (Max Dawson)
  2. Greet Visitors Well (Harold Comer)
  3. Begin a Worship Assembly Well (Philip Mullins)
  4. Read Scripture Well (Warren Berkley)
  5. Do Song Worship Well (Matthew Bassford)
  6. Lead Prayer Well (Terry Slack)
  7. Observe the Lord’s Supper Well (David Banning)
  8. Listen Well (Bubba Garner)
  9. Do Bible Classes Well (David Holder)
  10. Do Special Events Well (Mark Roberts)
  11. Advertise Well (Philip Shumake)
  12. Maintain the Building Well (David Banning)
  13. Let Us Glorify God (Dee Bowman)

A couple of noteworthy recommendations:

In an age when novelty masquerades as spirituality and change for change’s sake has more influence on God’s people than the Scripture it is indeed refreshing to find a book that is concerned that churches evaluate the way they do things in light of the divine will and make changes that are biblically driven. Our task in the words of the old American Standard Version is to “show forth the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Do Things Well is a book that in practical as well as biblical terms calls on us to do exactly that. (Paul Earnhart)

When faith is strong our invisible God looms large, but as faith weakens we tend to become less aware of Him. In our increasingly faithless society, believers need constant reminds that our goal in worship and work is to do the will of God for the glory of God. This theme runs throughout the book, Do Things Well, and makes its publication especially timely. The best service we can render to our transcendent God is flawed enough without the casual approach that is becoming all too common. I recommend this book especially to elders and deacons and would encourage every man who serves in any capacity to read it. It would make an excellent study for a men’s class. (Sewell Hall)

Click here for a free sample that includes Max Dawson’s first chapter on The Pursuit of Excellence.

Do Things Well is available for Kindle ($4.99) and as a paperback ($8.00).

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