
Don't Waste Your Life!

“It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.   For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me.   Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.   I am hard pressed between the two.   My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.” (Philippians 1:20-23)

What would be more tragic at the end of your life than looking back and saying, “I wasted it”?   Five minutes after death, no one will look back and say, “I sure am glad I watched as much TV as I did.”   Five minutes after death, no one will rejoice by saying, “I’m so thankful that I was able to get my average golf score so low.”   Five minutes after death, the only thing that will matter—the ONLY thing—is what you did with the time your Creator provided you.   Did you waste it?

With those truths in mind, the aim of this series of sermons is to help you develop a passion to avoid wasting your life.   It is built on faith that there is a Reason, a Purpose, a Why behind life that we did not create.   If we do not discover and submit to this Reality, we will waste our lives.

There are three sermons in this series:

PART 1: The Basis of the Unwasted Life — presents Jesus as the ultimate Reality of the universe, reflects on Bible passages which clearly affirm that life can be wasted, establishes the reason for everything: to magnify Christ.

PART 2: Images of the Unwasted Life (1) — encouragement to avoid wasting in ten practical areas of life: suffering, money, passion, enemies, diversity, parenthood, marriage, singleness, prayer, and God’s invitation for forgiveness.

PART 3: Images of the Unwasted Life (2) — encouragement to avoid wasting in ten practical areas of life: youth, recreation, gifts, position, sexuality, frailty, tragedies, aging, retirement, and death.

For more interactive outlines and mp3 recordings, be sure to visit the Sermons archive.

NOTE: Advertisements on the above player are randomly generated by the service provider and do not necessarily imply endorsement of the material advertised. Readers are always encouraged to apply the “Berean test” (Acts 17:11) to all that they see and hear.
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